Redirect Compilation Notices

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By default, Pike prints compilation warnings and errors to stderr. If you're writing a program that compiles code on the fly, it's often useful to "capture" compilation warnings and errors in order to present them in a more useful manner.

It is possible to provide the master object with a compiler error handler object that will keep track of errors and warnings. Once passed to the error handler, you can do other things with them, like log them or present a dialog box.

object ee = ErrorContainer(); master()->set_inhibit_compile_errors(ee);

// we use a catch here because the compile operation could // throw an error that isn't due to syntax. mixed err = catch { res = ((program)"mycode")(); // could be a compile_* instead };


if(strlen(ee->get())) { werror("error:n%sn", ee->get()); exit(1); } else if(err) { werror(describe_backtrace(err)); exit(1); } ee->print_warnings("compilation warnings:");

class ErrorContainer
string d;
string errors="", warnings="";
string get()
  return errors;

//! string get_warnings() { return warnings; }

//! void print_warnings(string prefix) { if(warnings && strlen(warnings)) werror(prefix+"n"+warnings); }

//! void got_error(string file, int line, string err, int|void is_warning) { if (file[..sizeof(d)-1] == d) { file = file[sizeof(d)..]; }

if( is_warning) warnings+= sprintf("%s:%st%sn", file, line ? (string) line : "-", err); else errors += sprintf("%s:%st%sn", file, line ? (string) line : "-", err); }

//! void compile_error(string file, int line, string err) { got_error(file, line, "Error: " + err); }

//! void compile_warning(string file, int line, string err) { got_error(file, line, "Warning: " + err, 1); }

//! void create() { d = getcwd(); if (sizeof(d) && (d[-1] != '/') && (d[-1] != '\')) d += "/";


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