What is it?http://fink.sf.net/ is a Debian-like packaging system for darwin/MacOS X.It allows package compilation from sources as well as binary package install.This document assumes you have Fink properly installed and running. See http://fink.sf.net/ for more informations.1 Pike7.8Assuming you have Fink installed.sudo apt-get install pike7.8 Pike 7.61.1 StatusThis package is known to build and run on MacOS X 10.4.x on PowerPC and x86.The pike7.6 Fink packages has been made so that it won't conflict with pike7.2 or pike7.4 Fink packages. However, i'm not sure wether pike7.2 nor pike7.4 won't mess up the pike7.6 package.Informations about this can be found online: http://bertrand.gotpike.org/You have different ways of installing pike7.6: official binary package,unofficial binary package, and source package.1.1 Binary package (official)The Pike 7.6 packages have not been submitted to the Fink team, yet. Thus, there is no official binary packages available in the Fink packages database.1.1 Binary package (unofficial)Until there is no official binary package available, this is by far the prefered method if you don't want to hack the package. latest binary packages can be downloaded. Place the required files in /sw/fink/dists/local/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/.Then use the following command to install it:sudo fink -b install pike7.6 Source PackageGet the latest Fink info and patch files for Pike 7.6 (Yes, i have to find a public git server).Place the three required files (nettle.info, pike7.6.info and pike7.6.patch) in your local repository: /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/.Then use the following command for building Pike:sudo fink -b build pike7.6 sudo fink list pike7.6 sudo fink -b install pike7.6-mysql sudo fink -b install pike7.6-jpeg TestingOnce Pike is installed, you should be able to run hilfe from Terminal.app:pike Pike v7.6 release 86 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend) > cd /sw/src/fink.build/pike7.6-7.6.86-1/Pike-v7.6.86 sudo find . -name testsuite -exec bin/test_pike.pike {} ; HackingBefore hacking the package, it's a good idea to know a bit about the Fink packaging system:
sudo fink rebuild -b -k -K pike7.6 sudo fink list pike7.4 sudo fink -b install pike7.4 TroubleshootIf you encounter a problem, send a detailed report to the Pike mailing list, using the [Fink] subject.Powered by PikeWiki2 |
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