Installing Pike
You'll find below some instructions for hassle-free Pike install on various platforms.
In case you encounter a problem, please write a message containing as much as information as possible to the Pike mailing list.Compile Code: Instructions on how to compile Pike source code.1 GNU/Linux1.1 DebianDebian binary: install Pike on a Debian system[create Debian own deb]: compile your own .deb packagesDebianMongerHowto: fix pre 7.6.51-1 Debian installations for using Monger1.2 Ubuntu
Test Date: | 2006-06-27 |
Pike Version: | Pike v7.6 release 61 running Hilfe v3.5 |
Installs? | Yes |
Runs? | Yes |
Rating: | Excellent |
Instructions: |
Ubuntu uses the debian package management system (aka apt-get) and offers several different pike packages including version 7.2, 7.4, and 7.6. Ubuntu also divides the different pike modules into different packages but offers a meta-package for each version. This means that when you install the meta-package for the version you wish to use, all the pike modules for that version are installed at that time as well.To install Pike 7.6 at the command line, type: sudo apt-get install pike7.6
- For the above to work, you must be root or in the sudoer group.
- You may install pike through the graphical installers provided by the Ubuntu distribution.
- The package called 'pike' installs Pike 7.2
1.3 FedoraFedora binary: install Pike on Fedora using binary packages1.4 GentooGentoo: Instructions on how to obtain Pike binary.1.5 SlackwareSlackware: Instructions on how to obtain Pike binary.
2 BSD2.1 FreeBSD2.2 OpenBSD2.3 NetBSDThere does exist a, but it is for a pretty old version (7.6.66) and it is still a WIP package. I have not been able to compile Pike on NetBSD/i386 6.0.1 from pkgsrc-wip. However, the source from the 7.8.700 release tarball compiles just fine! The only change I made was append a "--prefix" to the "CONFIGUREARGS" variable in the Makefile.
3 MacOS X/darwinHomebrew contains formulae for Pike. Just type "brew install pike" and you're all set.Darwin Fink: install Pike on a MacOS X/darwin platform using the Fink packaging system.Darwin Darwinports: install Pike on a MacOS X/darwin platform using the DarwinPorts packaging system.
MS WindowsWindows binary: install Pike 7.6 on Windows machines<br class="break"/>Windows 98: run Pike on MS Windows 981 Platform XIn case of a platform not listed here or troubleshooting a broken installation, it could be interesting to have a look at the about joining the Pikefarm effort?
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