Debian binary

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Pike is widely available on Debian systems, from Pike 0.6 to Pike 7.6. Marek Habersack is the maintainer for the Debian Pike packages.

1 Pike 7.6

The Pike 7.6 Debian package is named pike7.6. Here's the pike7.6 versions currently available on the actual Debian releases:

Installing Pike on your Debian box is as easy as typing:

apt-get install pike7.6

Then, add the additional module you need, eg MySQL support:

apt-get install pike7.6-mysql

Pike 7.4

The Pike 7.4 Debian package is named pike7.4. Here's the pike7.4 versions currently available on the actual Debian releases:

Installing Pike on your Debian box is as easy as typing:

apt-get install pike7.4

Then, add the additional module you need, eg MySQL support:

apt-get install pike7.4-mysql

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