
[ Start > DebianMongerHowto ] [ Edit this Page | Viewing Version 4 ]

Pike's external module building tool (analogous to Perl's CPAN) requires several non-header files to be present in the include path. In order to get Public.Parser.XML2 to install I had to use the following workaround.

1) Compile and install pike7.6 using apt-get -b source pike7.6

2) mkdir -p /usr/lib/pike/7.6.33/include

3) ln -s /usr/include/pike/7.6.33 /usr/lib/pike/7.6.33/include/pike

4) cp [pikesrc]/build/[arch]/specs /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/

5) chmod 755 /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/run_autoconfig

6) cp [pikesrc]/src/aclocal.m4 /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/

7) cp [pikesrc]/bin/smartlink /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/

8) cp [pikesrc]/bin/mktestsuite /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/

9) cp [pikesrc]/bin/install_module /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/

10) cp [pikesrc]/bin/test_pike.pike /usr/include/pike/7.6.33/

11) pike -x monger --install Public.Parser.XML2

There's probably others, but this was sufficient to get what I needed working.

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