
[ Start > get_all_args() ] [ Edit this Page | Show Page Versions | Show Formatted ]

get_all_args usage:


1. function_name: string, used for error messages if anything goes wrong.
1. args: integer, received from the interpreter.
1. spec: printf-like specification of expected arguments.
1. p1, p2...: pointers to argument holders

Valid types specifiers (from comment in module_support.c):

*   %i: INT_TYPE
*   %I: int or float -> INT_TYPE
*   %d: int (the c type "int" which may vary from INT_TYPE)
*   %D: int of float -> int
*   %+: positive int -> INT_TYPE
*   %l: int or bignum -> LONGEST
*   %s: char *                         Only narrow (8 bit) strings.
*   %n: struct pike_string *           Only narrow (8 bit) strings.
*   %N: struct pike_string * or NULL   Only narrow (8 bit) strings.
*   %t: struct pike_string *           Any string width. 
*   %T: struct pike_string * or NULL   Any string width. 
*   %a: struct array *
*   %A: struct array * or NULL
*   %f: float -> FLOAT_TYPE
*   %F: float or int -> FLOAT_TYPE
*   %m: struct mapping *
*   %G: struct mapping * or NULL   
*   %u: struct multiset *
*   %U: struct multiset * or NULL
*   %o: struct object *
*   %O: struct object * or NULL
*   %p: struct program *
*   %P: struct program * or NULL
*   %*: struct svalue *

For compatibility:

*   %S: struct pike_string *           Only 8bit strings
*   %W: struct pike_string *           Allow wide strings
*   %M: struct multiset *

A period can be specified between type specifiers to mark the start of optional arguments.

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