How Do I?

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Q. How can I read a file into a string?

Use Stdio.read_file():

  // read the contents of foo.txt into variable s. 
  // If the file doesn't exist or could not be read, s will be set to 0 (zero).
  string s = Stdio.read_file("foo.txt"); 

Q. How can a I write a string to a file?

Use Stdio.write_file():

  // write the contents of variable s into foo.txt (replacing any existing contents).
  // the variable x will be set to the number of bytes written to the file.
  // If the file doesn't exist or could not be could not be written, x will be set to 0 (zero).
  string s =  "some text";
  int x = Stdio.write_file("foo.txt", s);

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