C Modules
Creating extensions to the Pike language is a fairly simple task. Extensions can be written in C or C++, and may be hand coded or written using a preprocessed version of C called CMOD. CMOD simplifies the writing of C langauge modules by providing a number of simplifications, such as automatic handling of method and class registrations, argument handling and so forth. There are a number of limitations to the CMOD preprocessor, but for the majority of extensions, CMOD will work just fine.A number of (as yet incomplete) documents attempt to describe the API for writing modules:- http://pike.ida.liu.se/projects/docs/cmods/
- check_svalue
- check_refs
- add_ref
- sub_ref
- swap_values_unlocked
- array_free_index
- make_shared_stringTopics# how to allocate a string from C using Pike API
- how to create an array/mapping
- how to create an object deriving it from some class
- how to check whether an object passed to a function has a method you want to call
- how to set up a callback from C code
- how to invoke a standalone Pike function from C code
- how to invoke an object method from C code
- how to pass parameters to a Pike function
- how to retrieve the return value of the Pike function
- how is the Pike stack organized
- what are the possible parameters to the ADD_FUNCTION API
- what are the type contstants C code can use
- what are svalues and how do you use them
- how to allocate module-specific storage area
Module (ie, Java "static") methods in a CMODYou can have INIT, EXIT and PIKEFUN blocks outside of a PIKECLASS directive. Because modules are already instantiated as objects, this allows your module to have functions as well as classes.Calling pike functions from within C/CMOD codeHere's some code for calling (whether they're written in c or pike) functions from your C language module code. Remember that you can create objects this way because create is called implicitly, just ask for the class name you want to instantiate:
// this code works for a function that takes one argument.
// you'll have to modify it to get it to understand multiple args.
// args are at top of stack
// look up the function
push_text( "Sql.sql_result");
SAFE_APPLY_MASTER("resolv", 1 );
// method is at top of the stack, we want the arg on top
// arg is at top, function is 1 down from the top
apply_svalue( Pike_sp-2, 1 );
// result is at top of the stack, function is still one down
// and we want to pop it.
To run the function "query" in the current object with one arg, already on the stack:
// get the identifier for the member we want to call
int i;
i=find_identifier("query", Pike_fp->current_object->prog);
// now call the method with the context of the current object.
apply_low(Pike_fp->current_object, i, 1);
Another option: /* push arguments on stack */
apply(Pike_fp->current_object, "the method", number_of_args); The return value will be on the stack, don't forget to
pop it after you are done with it.
Working with referencesPike utilizes garbage collection and reference counting to handle memory management of pike data objects (strings, arrays, objects, etc). When writing C/CMOD code, you need to tell pike that you explicitly want to keep data around once it passes out of your function, along with the corresponding process of telling pike that you're done with the object afterward. Pike provides methods for doing this (though some methods will add references automatically).add_ref(svalue val) is used to add a reference to a variable.
free_string(pike_string val) and its corresponding friends is used to subtract references and will free the variable if there are no more references to that variable. The name can be confusing but it's best to think of it from the standpoint of your code not knowing whether other code is using your variable. You're just saying that "it's ok by me if you want to free this value." Pike will actually do that when everone who said they wanted to keep it no longer want the value.Working with argumentsPike_sp is your key to working with the Pike stack. The top of the stack (ie the last argument passed to your function) is Pike_sp[-1], and the bottom of the stack (or the first argument) is Pike_sp[-args]. Therefore, to get the ~~n~~th argument, where 1 is the first argument, is Pike_sp[-args + n -1].Alternately, you can use get_all_args() to check to make sure you have the proper number and type of arguments, and place them into variables. If your needs are not terribly complex (I'm pretty sure that it doesn't handle variable argument types or varargs), this might be a good option.If your function receives incorrect arguments, instead of using Pike_error, use the following:for too few arguments, use: SIMPLE_TOO_FEW_ARGS_ERROR("myfunction",1);for bad arguments, use: SIMPLE_BAD_ARG_ERROR("myfunction", 1, "array|mapping|whatever");
Looping through MappingsThe NEW_MAPPING_LOOP macro allows you to loop through all elements in a mapping. Note that the keypair name (k) is required and is hard coded. INT32 e;
struct keypair *k;
NEW_MAPPING_LOOP(mapping->data) {
k->val // both are svalues
To lookup a string index in a mapping, use the following:
struct svalue *sv;
struct mapping *m;
This returns the svalue corresponding to the index "name" in the mapping m.
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