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What is CMOD?

CMOD is the name of a simplified mechanism for writing extensions to the Pike programming language. CMOD files consist of C language code plus simplified function definition elements that handle many of the most tedious tasks associated with module development. A CMOD file is pre-processed by the CMOD precompiler resulting in a standard C file that is then compiled normally.

Tasks the CMOD compiler takes care of:

- Module initialization and shutdown

  • Class definition
  • Storage allocation for objects (including modules)
  • Function definition and registration
  • Variable definition and storage
  • Function argument checking and passing
  • Return value handling
  • Polymorphic function overloading (function variants based on function type signature)

    Limitations, according to the precompiler:

    - Parenthesis must match, even within #if 0

  • Not all Pike types are supported yet.
  • No support for functions that take a variable number of arguments yet.
  • RETURN; (void) doesn't work yet
  • need a RETURN_NULL; or something.. RETURN 0; might work but may be confusing as RETURN x; will not work if x is zero.
o Comments does not work inside prototypes (?)

In short, for most module applications, using CMOD can save you a large amount of time and effort, particularly in the area of avoiding bugs. Function bodies are written using standard C, so programming skills will transfer directly.

1.1 Sample module

A sample module that can be used as a starting point for further module development can be found at

This sample module represents a minimal CMOD module with a Pike module over-wrapper. The over-wrapper in this case is non-functional, and is included to show the necessary constants for providing module repository functionality.

1.1 Elements of a CMOD file

The following represents the basic structure of a CMOD file. We'll cover each element in turn afterward.


PIKECLASS fnord attributes; { INHERIT bar attributes;

CVAR int foo; PIKEVAR mapping m attributes;

DECLARE_STORAGE; // optional

PIKEFUN int function_name (int x, CTYPE char * foo) attribute; attribute value; { C code using 'x' and 'foo'. RETURN x; } INIT { // Object initialization code. }

EXIT { // Object cleanup code. } GC_RECURSE { // Code to run under the gc recurse pass. }

GC_CHECK { // Code to run under the gc check pass. }

EXTRA { // Code for adding extra constants etc. }

OPTIMIZE { // Code for optimizing calls that clone the class. // The node for the call is available in the variable n. } }

Multiple CMOD files in a single module

At a certain point, a module cannot be reasonably managed as a single source file. Typically, a module will be split into multiple classes, and it is often desirable to have each class be contained in a separate file. The Pike module build system will happily compile multiple CMOD files and link them into a single module shared object. However, a few steps must be taken in order for the resulting object to be functional.

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