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Note that adding your thoughts here does not necessarily imply that they'll actually be considered or implimented. This is simply a place for suggestions and discussions. Naturally, the more well thought out your ideas are, the more likely they'll be taken into consideration.

Pike Eclipse Integration

A plugin for performing Pike development in Eclipse would be great!

Who's working on it: Bill Welliver is the best person to talk to. He's got a basic plugin going with code hilighting and preliminary (aka primitive) code folding support. Eclipse and java wizards are welcome.

Pike Debugger

Every language needs a debugger, right?

Current Status: an embryo of a debugger currently exists as "unbug" which uses gdb as its core debugging engine. it's minimally functional, though native code generation currently disables breakpoints and stepping. Initial code to map local variables to variable names is present, but is weak at best.

Who to talk to: any of the core pike developers could point you in the right direction. A mail to pike-devel would be the best place to start.

Better documentation

We need better documentation in order to lure (pun intended) new pike fans.

Current Status: a pike tutorial is in the works and is about 90% finished. After that, core pike internals documentation has been started using doxygen.

Who's working on it: Contact Bill Welliver or Martin Baehr for the tutorial, and any of the core pike developers for internals documentation. We're using doxygen to document things, so you can grab a copy of pike from CVS and start documenting!

Language additions

this_function() would be nice for performing recursive functions.

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