Installing Pike

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You'll find below some instructions for hassle-free Pike install on various platforms. In case you encounter a problem, please write a message containing as much as information as possible to the Pike mailing list.



Debian binary: install Pike on a Debian system<br class="break"/>[create Debian own deb]: compile your own .deb packages<br class="break"/>DebianMongerHowto: fix pre 7.6.51-1 Debian installations for using Monger


Test Date: 2006-06-27
Pike Version: Pike v7.6 release 61 running Hilfe v3.5

Ubuntu uses the debian package management system (aka apt-get) and offers several different pike packages including version 7.2, 7.4, and 7.6. Ubuntu also divides the different pike modules into different packages but offers a meta-package for each version. This means that when you install the meta-package for the version you wish to use, all the pike modules for that version are installed at that time as well.

To install Pike 7.6 at the command line, type: sudo apt-get install pike7.6

  • For the above to work, you must be root or in the sudoer group.
  • You may install pike through the graphical installers provided by the Ubuntu distribution.
  • The package called 'pike' installs Pike 7.2
Contact:Cody A.W. Somerville


Fedora binary: install Pike on Fedora using binary packages


[create Slackware binary]:There doesn't seem to be a binary version of Pike available.
[create Slackware binary]:Look here:
[create Slackware binary]:one can also try 'slapt-get --search pike'


[create Gentoo binary]: There is a package management software called emerge.
[create Gentoo binary]: Look here:
[create Gentoo binary]: One can also try 'emerge --search pike'.



MacOS X/darwin

Darwin Fink: install Pike on a MacOS X/darwin platform using the Fink packaging system.<br class="break"/>Darwin Darwinports: install Pike on a MacOS X/darwin platform using the DarwinPorts packaging system.

MS Windows

Windows binary: install Pike 7.6 on Windows machines<br class="break"/>Windows 98: run Pike on MS Windows 98

Platform X

In case of a platform not listed here or troubleshooting a broken installation, it could be interesting to have a look at the

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Compiling from Source Code

[create Compiling Code]: cd /tmp
[create Compiling Code]: wget
[create Compiling Code]: tar xzvf Pike-v7.8.352.tar.gz
[create Compiling Code]: there is a bin directory inside 'Pike-v7.8.352' after extraction, but this pike does not function.
[create Compiling Code]: cd ./Pike-v7.8.352/src

[create Compiling Code]: ./configure
[create Compiling Code]: make
[create Compiling Code]: Before doing 'make install', try this ./pike
[create Compiling Code]: if pike comes up then you can then do 'make install'

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