
[ Start > PikeDevel > PikeDebugger ] [ Edit this Page | Viewing Version 5 ]

Work on permitting pike code to be debugged interactively is underway, and currently exists as a rough proof of concept in branch bill/debugger-concept. The debugger requires pike to be compiled with --with-debug and can be enabled using --debugger option to pike, with enables a hilfe server on port 3333

Current features of the POC:

  • Multiple breakpoints may be set and cleared independently.
  • Hilfe interface
  • Backtrace viewing
  • Frame stack browsing (as part of backtrace frames)
  • View locals (but names are not resolved)
  • Modify locals
  • Single stepping
  • Continue
Things that need to be done:
  • Local name calculation
  • Allow breakpoints to be set on programs not yet compiled (this probably requires support in the master)
  • Allow stepping state to be maintained for multiple threads
  • Pass current thread to debugger engine
  • A programmatic interface to the debugger
  • Related: should pike pause to wait for a debugger to connect for breakpoints, etc to be set?
  • Step-over, in, return, etc. These require understanding of code structure
  • Watchpoints?
  • Efficiency improvements?
  • Work to not require RTL debug
  • Make ports configurable
Set breakpoint using this method:

  // set a breakpoint at line 22 in the current program
  program p = this_program;
  object bp = Debug.Debugger.Breakpoint(p, "/path/to/file.pike", 22);

Example of a debugging session:

$ telnet localhost 3333
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to the Pike Debugger.
Breakpoint on /Users/hww3/bpt.h:2
> backtrace;
(1) Result: ({ /* 4 elements */
                backtrace_frame(/Users/hww3/pike2/build/darwin-16.7.0-x86_64/master.pike:4148, _main(), Args: 1),
                backtrace_frame(-:1, `()(), Args: 1),
                backtrace_frame(/Users/hww3/bpt.pike:14, doit(), No args),
                backtrace_frame(/Users/hww3/bpt.h:2, whee(), Args: 1)
> backtrace[-1]->locals();
(4) Result: ({ /* 3 elements */
> backtrace[-1]->set_local(1, "bar");
(5) Result: 0
> backtrace[-1]->locals();
(6) Result: ({ /* 3 elements */
> step
Breakpoint on /Users/hww3/bpt.pike:22
> backtrace;
(1) Result: ({ /* 4 elements */
                backtrace_frame(/Users/hww3/pike2/build/darwin-16.7.0-x86_64/master.pike:4148, _main(), Args: 1),
                backtrace_frame(-:1, `()(), Args: 1),
                backtrace_frame(/Users/hww3/bpt.pike:14, doit(), No args),
                backtrace_frame(/Users/hww3/bpt.pike:22, whee(), Args: 1)
> backtrace[-1]->locals();
(2) Result: ({ /* 3 elements */
> go

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