
[ Start > PikeTools > TextMate ] [ Edit this Page | Viewing Version 5 ]

The TextMate bundle for Pike is a work in progress by Bill Welliver. It's already quite useful, and has the following features:

- code folding (TextMate folding is based on a combination of delimiters and indentation, so you have to be fairly consistent about your indentation within a code block.)

  • syntax hilighting
  • run pike on a file (Command-Shift-R)
  • hilfe (Command-Shift-H)
  • code comment/uncomment (Command-Shift-C/U)
  • modref lookup (hit F3 with insertion point in symbol to lookup)
  • auto class generate (type "class<tab>")
  • auto method generate (type "meth<tab>")
  • code browsing (function/class) support

    Bundle Installation

    1. Install TextMate from http://www.macromates.com/

  1. Download the Pike Bundle from http://hww3.riverweb.com/dist/Pike_TextMate.tar.gz
  2. Unzip/untar downloaded file
  3. Double click on Pike.tmbundle and allow TextMate to install the bundle.

Codebrowser Support

A plugin is available for TextMate that uses ctags to generate a "function directory" for any file you open. ctags can be configured with a set of regexps that define Pike function and class definitions, so that you can have a class browser that works with your Pike files.

1. Download and install the TmCodeBrowser plugin from http://www.cocoabits.com/TmCodeBrowser/

2. Create the file ~/.ctags.tmcodebrowser (ie in your home directory), and put the following in it:

--regex-pike=/#[ &#116;]*define[ &#116;]+&#40;[_a-zA-Z]+&#41;(?/&#49;/

3. Restart TextMate

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