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This is the starting point

Installing Pike contains informations for installing or building Pike on different platforms.

PikeSupport contains pointers for getting support for your Pike project.

PikeApps contains information about applications written in Pike.

PikeDevel is where you probably want to go if you're looking to develop or extend Pike.

PikeBounties, a section for sponsoring work, as well as finding out about available project bounties. Developers and non-developers alike, be sure to check this out!

PikeTools contains links to Pike related tools.

PikeFAQ contains the original and soon to be expanded FAQ written by Robert J. Budzynski

PikeRequests is the place to jot down your requests or suggestions for future developments in Pike.

PikeModules contains links to externally maintained Pike modules.

Feel free to Contribute! Note: you must have a account in order to edit pages, go to to create an account.

PikeHints contains hints and simple howto's on getting things done with Pike.


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