Welcome to the GotPike.org Pike Development Wiki!- Tips for creating [create Pike Modules]- Tips for creating C Modules- Pike Module ARchive creation (PMAR)- AutoDoc, the inline documentation format used by Pike- Using Pike on the Web: a discussion of options for writing web applications using Pike.- HowTo: a series of articles for using some of the more interesting Pike features.- Notes on the Pike Release Process- Embedding Pike- Troubleshooting Crashes- Java On OSX- Pike on Windows (VC2015), Pike on Windows and Pike on Windows (sprshd build)- Pike Distribution on OSX- Writing Testsuites- Packaging Pike- Objective-C Framework- Building a Cocoa App- Eclipse, a work in progress- I18n for Pike applications- Annotations: in-line metadata for pike program elements- Conference 2014 Powered by PikeWiki2 |
gotpike.org | Copyright © 2004 - 2009 | Pike is a trademark of Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University |